Hey I Am Laila Ben Seghir

Laila Ben Seghir Front-End Web Devloper

html HTML
css CSS
javascript JavaScrript
node js Node JS
typescript Typescript
react js React JS
react router React Router
react router Next JS
tailwindcss tailwind css
git Git
figma Figma
html HTML
css CSS
javascript JavaScrript
node js Node JS
typescript Typescript
react js React JS
react router React Router
tailwindcss tailwind css
git Git
figma Figma


projects i developed
  • coffee site

    Entertainment web app

    This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsNext JS
    • react jsTypescript
    • react jsTailwind CSS
    • react routerMongoDB
    • vite jsPrisma
    • vite jsTMDB API
  • coffee site

    Coffeeroasters subscription site

    This is a solution to the Coffeeroasters subscription site challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsReact JS
    • react routerReact Router
    • scssScss
    • vite jsVit JS
  • art-gallery-website

    Art gallery website

    This is a solution to the Art gallery website site challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsReact JS
    • react routerReact Router
    • scssTailwind CSS
    • vite jsVit JS
  • coffee site

    Single-page developer portfolio

    This is a solution to the Single-page developer portfolio challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsHTML
    • scssScss
    • javascriptJavaScript
    • vite jsVit JS
  • coffee site

    Creative agency single-page site

    This is a solution to the Creative agency single-page site challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsHTML
    • scssScss
    • javascriptJavaScript
    • vite jsVit JS
  • coffee site

    Single-page design portfolio

    This is a solution to the Single-page design portfolio challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsHTML
    • scssScss
    • javascriptJavaScript
    • vite jsVit JS
  • coffee site

    Equalizer landing page

    This is a solution to the Equalizer landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. The purpose is to improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.

    • react jsHTML
    • cssCSS
    • javascriptJavaScript
    • vite jsVit JS

for more projects

check my account on frontend mentor

about me


Creative solutions front-end web developer, I have a strong foundation in web design and development. With expertise in HTML, CSS, SASS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Next JS, and Typescript.

I am able to create responsive websites, highly functional that prioritize user experience. I have a passion for staying up-to-date with the latest front-end technologies and trends, allowing me to deliver innovative solutions that meet the needs of clients. Download Resume


Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch with me. I am always open to discussion and opportunities to be a part of your vision.